Every single device that is connected to the Internet has a special identifier named IP (Internet Protocol) address. This includes computers, web servers, smart phones, switches, etcetera. The pool of addresses, which was introduced at first, has already been distributed, therefore the so-called IPv4 IP addresses are progressively getting replaced with IPv6 addresses. Every domain that opens an internet site has an IP record, that is the address of the server where it is hosted. Using the IPv4 system, the record is called A and it is made up of four groups of numbers from 1 to 255 split up by a dot, while in the IPv6 system it's called AAAA and it is made up of eight groups of hexadecimal numbers i.e. this sort of records use digits from 0 to 9 and letters from A to F. A good example of an AAAA record is 2010:0c48:43d3:2142:1012:8c3a:2475:2435 and this format works with a considerably bigger amount of IPs in comparison with the IPv4 format.

AAAA Records in Shared Website Hosting

If you use a service through a third-party service provider and you've got to set up an AAAA record to point a domain or a subdomain to their system, you will be able to do that with just a few mouse clicks in the Hepsia Control Panel, provided with all of our shared website hosting packages. When you log in, you have to go to the DNS Records section in which you will find all of the records for every domain or subdomain hosted in the account. Setting up a new record is as basic as clicking on a button, picking out the type from a drop-down options menu, that will be AAAA in this case, and then typing the value, or the actual IPv6 address, within a text box. As an added option you can modify the TTL value (Time To Live), which defines how long the record will be active after you modify it or erase it in the future. The new AAAA record will be live in no more than an hour and will propagate around the world an hour or two later, so the hostname for which you have created it will start redirecting to the new server.

AAAA Records in Semi-dedicated Servers

As our innovative cloud web hosting platform supports AAAA records, you are going to be able to create one with no trouble for every internet domain or subdomain you host inside a semi-dedicated server account from our company and the new record will propagate within the hour, so that you could start using the services of any other service provider you point the domain/subdomain to in no time. You could create the record from the DNS Records section of your Hepsia website hosting CP in which you will also find all the other records that were created automatically or you have created manually previously. The set up of the new AAAA record is as easy as picking out the needed Internet domain or subdomain and the AAAA type from simple drop-down menus, inputting the IPv6 address inside a text box and saving the change. You are going to be able to edit the record at any time if required. Assuming the other company needs a particular TTL value for the new record, you'll be able to edit this setting too. The Time To Live option determines how long an existing record will continue working after you edit it or remove it and the time is in seconds.